Listening to : If You Leave - Nada Surf
So if you leave, don't leave now
please don't take my heart away
promise me just one more night,
then we'll go out seperate ways.
We'll always have time on our side
but now it's fading fast
every second, every moment
we gotta make it last.
-yawns. i swore i did that 38478330 times today,
just 1 more than dearest Estherr smell .
i'm so tired ! finally got dragged of the comp
and forced to study.
terms are coming though, what to do ?
so tits up, the thing is, i can't use the comp for 2 weeks
so much unfinished business !
like editing my friendster profile and feeding my online fetus.
wtf. lol.
i'm really bored, as you all can tell
and i've exceeded the 1hr slot i weaseled out of my dad by 1 minute now
which will soon stretch to 5 minutes because i haven't finished blogging.
studying really saps me, i can't believe how other people can do it so well
well sure, the urgency of O levels actually drove me on last year
but what the hell. i'm sure it was God that gave me that B3 on physics.
freak show.
'cos you see, i was determined to ditch physics for Os.
but decided ahh heck, just study on the day of the exam la,
might as well kill that 4 hours after Geography ended before the test started
so i studyed (rather) studiously in a noisy cafe at school,
and poof, a B3 from C6
but i'm just digressing, so back to my current predicament : studying
i HATE studying
there's nothing more sapping than studying what you NEED to study
i could look through Estherr's history textbook and enjoy reading it
although it's a stupid textbook i enjoy reading it, why ?
because i don't need to LEARN anything from it.
sure, i'm still learning from it anyway, aren't i ?
but haha. the fact that i don't need to consciously learn from it satisfies me.
yeah, i'm weirddd.
-enough ranting and raving.
is this enough tripe to satisfy my blog viewers ?
the *loyal* peeps from school
and the occasional wandering turtle ? heh.
ooh. check out
yeah, she's got the media hype breathing down her neck
well i'll admit that i went there out of interest of the n00d pic haha
but i realised, like another blogger i know,
she writes rather good material. bummer.
pshht to all the other horny young men out there
gotta go.
'cos dad just came into the room
cant blog anymore
bye !