I'd never thought I'd say this. Not now anyway.
But I'm disappointed. In you.
What i thought was real.
Was false.
But guess what. It doesn't affect me anymore.
I was saving this up. But maybe I'll let it go.
YOU were once the apple of my eye.
But now, all i see is withered rinds with a wicked core.
I loved
YOU with all my heart.
YOU didn't return the favour.
Not like I really care anymore : )
I'm sick of the way
YOU act. "Watever!"
The girlish bullshit
YOU put up. "Watever!"
The huge load of crap that
YOU make. "Watever!"
I don't appreciate the way
YOU do things.
Say it out if
YOU dare.
I'm not
YOUR 'ANOTHER' person.
Next time. Kindy refer to me as who I am.
I'm glad I don't have to stand
YOU anymore. I thank God for that.
YOU live in a state of denial.
Covered by
YOUR playacting and falsettos.
YOU pretend.
YOU dabble falsehoods.
YOU hide yourself in a facade of a punk chic.
Yet sadly.
YOU can never hope to be one. Totally : )
YOU were once a rose in my gaze.
YOU are a thorn in my side.
YOU say we can be friends.
YOU have never encouraged such a thing.
I don't think I want such a fake friend as
YOU will never know what true love is.
I curse
YOU yet maybe i'm too lenient.
I don't care anymore.
YOU have to go find your life elsewhere.
YOUR life elsewhere.
Build it on him.
And I will laugh with everlasting myrrth
YOUR relationship fails.
We all can see. The lack of desire in his eyes.
His lies. His feigns. He wants to get into
YOUR good books.
Going to church? I think it's all a ploy to win
YOU back.
Fortunately? I think he suits
YOU. Two dead birds of a feather : )
I know what happened before.
YOU broke his heart.
Now you're trying to mend it?
Fat Luck.
YOU'RE gonna break it again.
I sincerely hope he knows how to break
YOUR heart now.
Or is he really the worthless guy that
YOU know he was?
I'll never forgive the way
YOU play with the hearts of men.
The lies that
YOU weave to gain their sympathy.
The bluffs that
YOU call to draw attention.
I know
YOU were the teenage drama queen.
The Queen of lies. That's
So what happened to that new guy?
Was he too smart to consent to
YOUR ploys?
I sincerely hope so.
Only the blind fall into
YOUR web of lies.
Sadly. I had been one of them.
YOU used me.
YOU treated me as your dog.
I'll never. Ever. Forgive
YOU for that.
YOU stir anger within me.
I feel the disappointment bleeding from
It's been a long road. But I'm glad my journey with
YOU has ended.
YOUR eyes hold no sparkle anymore.
All I see are the dark hollow shells within
YOUR heart holds no vibrant joy anymore.
All I see is a bloodthirsty viper waiting to strike within
YOUR personality has changed.
Gone is the one I treasured in this world.
YOU are a demon in her shell.
Away from me.
YOU, the heartless wench.
YOU, the lying facado.
YOU, the false liar.
YOU, the manipulator.
YOU, the heartbreaker.
YOU, the selfish one.
YOU, the fawning gyre.
YOU, the pitiful wannabe.
Everything in
YOU is a falsehood.
Everything in
YOU is not real.
Everything in
YOU I despise now.
Away from me.
YOU'RE right ( for once ).
I'm not
YOU. Thank God I'm not
I'd never want to be
It's an insult to be
I have no say in
YOUR life.
So carry on senorita. Have fun tearing down what you built up.
Sadly. I still love the old
I'd fallen in love with her long ago.
She was the one that drew my hearstrings.
And made me hapless.
Thankfully I'm aware of this new
No amount of lies and coyness can redefine the old
P.s. Have fun with
YOUR new life.
P.P.s. Enjoy fucking it up - again.
Oh yeah. This was not written in a fit of anger.
This was not written because of your decision on Chris.
I was over you. From the moment you ditched the abovementioned.
I realised. You were fake. You were false.
Enjoy my mimicry? It's been nice knowing you - Not : )
Gg. Gl. Hf. No Re-
This is the end of our story.